RSVP: Oh My Goodness! by MAD For Good

RSVP: Oh My Goodness! by MAD For Good

Event · 7 Oct 2023, 10:00 – 8 Oct 2023, 21:00
BBCC Hub, Ground Floor & First Floor, 2, Jln Hang Tuah, Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Events & festival
Community & familyWellbeing
10 Reduced inequalities11 Sustainable cities and communities17 Partnerships for the goals
Suitable for company volunteers

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RSVP to attend an EXCITING weekend to support our local charities and communities. Charity Bazaar, Performances, Impact Showcases, Interactive Workshops & more!

Detailed description

Oh My Goodness! by MAD For Good believes that doing good and making a difference should be a lifestyle.

This time around, we brought together an event in conjunction with October Sustainability Month and the closing of the MAD Volunteer Challenge to celebrate and drive more impact.

With our location partner; Malaysia Grand Bazaar, we sponsor local charities and community partners as they fundraise for their causes by creating interactive workshops, selling merchandise/food/products, sharing their impact stories.

You can expect a weekend of fun, excitement and inspiration to keep #Making A Difference. Come meet the people behind all the good work you may or may not know of.

If you'd like to support the work that we do, please do so here as we greatly appreciate you helping us help others. (Jika anda ingin menyokong usaha kami dalam membantu orang lain, sila lakukannya di sini. Penglibatan anda amat kami hargai!)

Thank you Changemaker!

"Oh My Goodness!" oleh MAD For Good percaya bahawa melakukan kebaikan dan perubahan bukan sekadar pilihan, tetapi ia seharusnya menjadi gaya hidup kita. 

Dalam semangat ini, kami menggabungkan dua agenda dalam satu acara untuk menyambut Bulan Kelestarian Oktober dan merayakan penutupan 'MAD Volunteer Challenge.' Tujuan kami adalah untuk mencipta lebih banyak impak positif bersama-sama.

Kami bekerjasama dengan rakan strategik kami; Malaysia Grand Bazaar, untuk menyokong pelbagai badan amal dan komuniti tempatan. Kami akan mengumpul dana untuk menyokong tujuan kami dengan mengadakan bengkel interaktif, menjual barangan, makanan, dan produk, serta berkongsi kisah mengenai impak yang mereka buat.

Sertailah kami untuk hujung minggu yang penuh keseronokan, inspirasi, dan semangat untuk #Make A Difference. Marilah kita berjumpa dengan individu-individu yang berada di sebalik usaha kebaikan ini, sama ada anda telah mengenali mereka sebelum ini atau tidak!

Jom support komuniti-komuniti kita!

We're looking for vendors, performers and impact showcase too:

Getting there

If you're parked at Lalaport, head to Level 1, East Entrance - walk out and see BBCC Hub!
Unfortunately, you can no longer register for this volunteering opportunity. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About MAD For Good

MAD For Good connects resources to drive deep exponential impact for individuals, community partners and corporate businesses. Our Volunteer Matching, Management, Measurement is tech-enabled and community-driven.

We're so excited to #MakeADifference with YOU!