Art Teacher

Art Teacher

Organisation role · 1–2 hrs/Week
Flexible location
TeachingGardeningClearing litterYouth workArts & craftsCreativeEnglishMalay
Community & familyHealthEducation
2 Zero hunger6 Clean water and sanitation10 Reduced inequalities
Suitable for company volunteers
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Insaf Malaysia
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We are looking for volunteers who are able to attend the launch of a new community centre for children 10-12 years of age (Standard 5 & 6).

Detailed description

Art Teacher

Able to donate 30-45 mins of their time to teach handicraft skills to children. Handicraft skills can include:

  • Sewing/knitting/crosstitch
  • Simple woodwork
  • Art installations
  • Clay modelling

Our after-school project will benefit:

  • Children from low-income families (B40)
  • Children from single parent homes
  • Children with behavioural difficulties (truancy, expulsions etc.)
  • Children with learning difficulties who may need tailored support in their studies.
  • Refugee children

Guru Seni

Mampu menderma 30-45 minit masa mereka untuk mengajar kemahiran kraf tangan kepada kanak-kanak. Kemahiran kraftangan boleh termasuk:

  • Menjahit / mengait / silang
  • Kerja kayu yang ringkas
  • Pemasangan seni
  • Pemodelan tanah liat

Projek selepas sekolah kami akan memberi manfaat:

  • Kanak-kanak daripada keluarga berpendapatan rendah (B40)
  • Kanak-kanak dari rumah ibu bapa tunggal
  • Kanak-kanak yang mengalami masalah tingkah laku (ponteng sekolah, buang sekolah dll.)
  • Kanak-kanak bermasalah pembelajaran yang mungkin memerlukan sokongan yang disesuaikan dalam pelajaran mereka.
  • Kanak-kanak pelarian

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs
Applications closed.
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About Insaf Malaysia

Pertubuhan Bantuan Teknikal Insaf Malaysia, more commonly known as Insaf Malaysia is a non-profit technical relief organisation aimed at improving lives of the vulnerable, who are at risk due to war, natural disasters, socio-economic crises or health emergencies.

We operate within the UN cluster approach, namely – Medical, Shelter, Food, WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) and within each cluster we aim to help improve the lives of those in need. We were established in June 2011 as a registered society according to the Societies Act 1966 (ROS No. 2825-11-WKL).

As a non-profit organisation, Insaf Malaysia relies solely on funding and donations from organisations and generous individuals to continue its mission in serving humankind.
