UNiTED Against Gender-Based Violence: UNiTED Walk & Panel Talk

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Scan me or visit platform.madforgood.org/o/Young-Womens-Christian-Association-of-Kuala-Lumpur-YWCA-KL/opportunities/UNiTED-Against-Gender-Based-Violence-UNiTED-Walk--Panel-Talk/72932 to join
Engage in our event on ending Gender-Based Violence! Join as to amplify the cause, and make a difference!Detailed description
Every year, the United Nations Women spotlights the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. This annual international campaign kicks off with The International Day for The Elimination of Violence against Women on the 25th of November and runs until Human Rights Day on the 10th of December.
As part of YWCA Kuala Lumpur’s 110th anniversary celebrations and in conjunction with the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, we are organising a UNiTE Walk and Panel Talk to create awareness of a world free from gender-based violence. The UNITE Campaign calls on people everywhere to show how much they care about ending violence against women and girls.
Together with Soroptimist International and the Girl Guides of KL, we can create awareness and advocate change to prevent family violence and violence against women & girls. People of all genders are welcome to our UNiTE walk.
Bring your friends, family, and colleagues along to join us! Together we can build a better tomorrow!
About YWCA KL - Young Women's Christian Association of Kuala Lumpur
In 1998, the YWCA Kuala Lumpur set up the Vocational Training Opportunity Centre (VTOC) to provide much needed skills training for underprivileged young women and girls from economically disadvantaged families. In 2023, they started working towards creating a community garden known as the Oasis in their backyard as a contribution towards greening downtown KL.