Young Womens' Christian Association of Kuala Lumpur (YWCA KL)

About Young Womens' Christian Association of Kuala Lumpur (YWCA KL)

The YWCA works for the development of women and girls irrespective of race, religion, culture, language and socio-economic circumstances.

The YWCA of Kuala Lumpur is part of a worldwide movement for women’s development founded in the United Kingdom in 1855 by Emma Roberts & Mary Jane Kinnaird, who conceived the idea of a women’s hostel - a safe place in the city where women primarily nurses from the countryside could grow in spirit and fellowship, in preparation for duty during the Crimean War. This movement would soon spread worldwide bringing a message of empowerment and hope.

Some of the projects run by YWCA KL today include a shelter for women in crisis based in Klang, a pre-school kindergarten for underprivileged children in Glenmarie and an on-site vocational school for underprivileged young women in KL called the VTOC which stands for Vocational Training Opportunity Centre.

In 1998, the YWCA Kuala Lumpur set up the Vocational Training Opportunity Centre (VTOC) to provide much needed skills training for underprivileged young women and girls from economically disadvantaged families.


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Young Womens' Christian Association of Kuala Lumpur (YWCA KL)