#RunForChildren: GO Make Your Mark!

#RunForChildren: GO Make Your Mark!

Event · 7 May 2023, 07:00 – 7 May 2023, 09:00
Dataran DBKL, Menara DBKL, Kuala Lumpur, 50350, Malaysia
Events & festivalSportsFundraising
Poverty reductionCommunity & familyChildren & youth
1 No Poverty3 Good health and well-being6 Clean water and sanitation

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World Vision Malaysia
Scan me or visit platform.madforgood.org/o/World-Vision-Malaysia/opportunities/RunForChildren-GO-Make-Your-Mark/62633 to join


This year we're raising awareness on how violence affects children in ways that cannot be seen! RM70 will be fully channeled to child protection work.

Detailed description

The World Vision #RunForChildren is BACK!

This year we're raising awareness on how violence affects children in ways that cannot be seen. Though the trauma may fade over time, it leaves a mark on the child - one that never quite goes away.

As conflict, natural disasters and the aftershocks of COVID-19 have increased the risks of violence against children, we’re calling on all of YOU to help advocate for them.

Proceeds from the Run (RM70/Runner) will be channeled to child protection work in Malaysia and overseas to:

  • Support children’s safety
  • Call out violence when it occurs
  • Work with survivors to heal and recover

Once you have RSVP-ed here, you will be given a link to confirm your registration on our official website.

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About World Vision Malaysia

World Vision is an international Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children and families to overcome extreme poverty and injustice. We work to promote human transformation, seek justice for the oppressed and demonstrate the love of God for all people. World Vision serves all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.

World Vision has impacted the lives of over 200 million vulnerable children by tackling the root causes of poverty through its various development, humanitarian and emergency relief programmes.