Beach Cleanup

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Hi!!Come join us for a day of cleaning, fun and healing!
Date : 27th April 2024
Time: Starting at 10.00 am to approximately 2.00 pm
Detailed description
Come join us for a day of cleaning, fun and healing!
Date : 27th April 2024
Time: Starting at 10.00 am to approximately 2.00 pm
Attire: Suitable clothes, including cap or hat. Gloves will be provided for adult participants. Covered shoes, which you are ready to get wet. For kids, you will need to self-provide gloves. As it could be a rainy day, please be prepared with a raincoat or poncho. Mosquito repellant is advisable. Do bring extra clothes to take a swim!
Meals: Meals are self provided. There are stalls nearby for breakfast and lunch. We require that you bring your own food and drink containers. Bear in mind, no polystyrene containers or single-use plastic/packaging are allowed. Do bring along a bottle of water. Please do not feed any wildlife.
E-certs: Will be provided to participants based on the attendance registration on the event day. Please ensure you have keyed in your email address and name correctly for the registration and event day attendance. Please do register as well even if you do not need the e-cert, for our record on the number of participants attending.
SOP: Masks are encouraged.
Registration will be open until 25th April 2024.
Sponsorship: We are open for co-sponsorship, especially organizations/businesses that intends to fulfill their ESG goals.