Terrafix: Zero Waste Workshop (Facilitator)

Contact person
Scan me or visit platform.madforgood.org/o/UCSI-University-ESR-General-Volunteering-by-ESR/opportunities/Terrafix-Zero-Waste-Workshop-Facilitator/66756 to join
Good day, all Terrarians! Welcome to volunteer at our event!Detailed description
This event is organized to promote and raise awareness of the zero waste concept. It consists of a talk session from an external speaker and a workshop session. Participants can gain knowledge and learn from our experienced speaker regarding the zero waste lifestyle and sustainable living. Besides that, participants will also have the chance to make handicrafts from recyclables.
Venue: Breadboard Office, level 11, Block G, UCSI University
Time: 130pm-430pm
Requirements that you should fulfil to join us :P
- Responsible (No ffk is allowed, have to commit the whole session)
- Punctual (always arrive 5mins before the session starts)
- Friendly &Outspoken (assist and guide our participants with great attitude)
- Have some basic skill in making handicraft
By volunteering as a facilitator, you will:
- get to contribute in fixing our terra!
- get to explore more on zero waste lifestyle and concept
- learn communication and problem solving skills
Date, time and venue for briefing & test run& ice breaking session (compulsory to attend) (not counted in volunteering hours):
Date: 10/7/2023
Time: 730pm-1030pm
Venue: Breadboard Office, level 11, Block G, UCSI University