Stray Cat TNR Phase 1

Stray Cat TNR Phase 1

Event · 10 Jun 2024, 09:00 – 28 Jun 2024, 15:00
Ground Floor Block G, UCSI University, Taman Connaught, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
15 Life on land16 Peace, justice and strong institutions

Contact person

Shiwveshana ParmasivamAsk Shiwveshana a question
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Detailed description

2 session per day, (9am-12pm, 12pm-3pm) , you can pick your slots when you click join.

Tasks on volunteering day :

  1. Take photo and post on foster platform
  2. Help create Pet related items to fundraise for the spaying cost

Do join this whatsapp group once you have registered.

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About General Volunteering by ESR

ESR is a platform designed to enable underserved communities, partners, UCSI students or volunteers to collaborate in order to better our society