Best Buddies Malaysia - Matching Party

Best Buddies Malaysia - Matching Party

Event · 24 Feb 2024, 12:30 - 17:30
Oasis Place, Level 16, Menara Sentral Vista, Kuala Lumpur, 50470, Malaysia
3 Good health and well-being4 Quality education10 Reduced inequalities16 Peace, justice and strong institutions

Contact person

Shiwveshana ParmasivamAsk Shiwveshana a question
This opportunity is filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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Detailed description

Roles available : 

1) Face painting - Do face and hand painting for the IDD kids attending, can be any of your own design, materials such as paint and sticker will be provided. Help set up before the event and clean up after event (2 pax)

2) Facilitator - Assist, facilitate and mingle throughout the event. There will be in house volunteers who will guide you on what to do. Help set up before the event and clean up after event  (3 pax)

Dress code: 

Smart casual, wear your YBB shirt if you have any! :D

Online Briefing Day : 20th Feb through Zoom, time TBC 

*25 SEP points will be provided for full participation (ONLY APPLICABLE TO ESR VOLUNTEERS AND COMMITTEES)

Getting there

This opportunity is filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About General Volunteering by ESR

ESR is a platform designed to enable underserved communities, partners, UCSI students or volunteers to collaborate in order to better our society