Digital Technology Trainer

Digital Technology Trainer

Project role (Temporary) · 1–2 hrs/Week · Starting from 8 May 2023
Tamarind Square, Cyberjaya, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia
TeachingTrainingProgrammingITPhotography & filmCreative
WellbeingEducationPeople with disabilities
3 Good health and well-being4 Quality education10 Reduced inequalities
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Cerebral Palsy Malaysia – GAPS
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Looking for volunteer trainer to teach digital skills to teenagers with cerebral palsy

Detailed description

Trainers will help train teenagers with cerebral palsy at our centre on some of the areas related to digital technology such as :

  1. Creative media -  image manipulation, sound and video production, audiovisual editing, digital storytelling, graphic design, social media content production and interaction design;
  2. Simple and fun coding or programming activities;
  3. Practical data management skills, such as organising and managing data using spreadsheets and databases, as well as the ability to analyse and interpret data using tools such as charts and graphs;
  4. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills related to using digital technologies. This may involve discussing issues related to online ethics, cybersecurity, and digital citizenship.

Requirement of volunteers

  • Knowledge in any of the topics listed above
  • Passionate in teaching and creative
  • Volunteers can range from secondary school or university students to active workforce members to retirees.
  • Able to commit 1 to 2 hour weekly on any weekday morning between 9am-12noon for a minimum of 4 months (based on a fixed timetable).

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.2 spots left.
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About Cerebral Palsy Malaysia – GAPS

Founded in 2016, GAPS is a registered non-profit organisation that believes in creating possibilities for the Cerebral Palsy community to have better quality of living. GAPS is building a holistic and inclusive ecosystem of support and advocacy that nurtures knowledge, active and healthier lifestyles and the spirit of giving.
